Succession Planning Simplified

We offer smart succession-planning software for proactive HR leaders, so organizations can effectively grow their own leaders and avoid the significant costs and disruption associated with external hiring.

Features & Functions

Our user-friendly succession-planning software allows you to develop your leadership pipeline and be prepared for any staff changes.

SuccessionNow Offers:
  • Evaluation functions to identify and qualify successors.
  • Ability to review concerns about potential candidates.
  • Ability to analyze predictive measures.
  • Ability to establish development plans.
  • Ability to assess current and future readiness of potential successors.
  • Succession plan reporting.
  • Automated plan approvals.
  • Organization of a talent pool for key positions.

For what priority will you leverage Succession Planning?

Building Critical Skills & Competencies

Identify required skills for success for key positions, performance, areas of concern, predictive factors and readiness of potential candidates.

SuccessionNow Provides:

  • Ability to identify and assess skills needed for success in key roles.
  • Ability to set development plans to map out upskilling opportunities for career development.
  • Ability to evaluate a scorecard of potential candidates and their performance.
  • Visibility into the current and future readiness of candidates based on skills required for the position

Other useful solutions:

Performance Pro, for competency-mapping automated performance processes that can be enhanced with learning courses, a library of skills that are pre-mapped to learning courses, and automatic course assignments based on performance measures – all part of one seamless performance and learning experience.

The Learning Center, for leadership training and development with a seamless performance and learning experience, facilitating the upskilling and development of your employees.

Future Work Requirements

Evaluate the competency and readiness of potential candidates for future positions or future position vacancies. Add candidates into a successor pool and monitor their readiness timeline for a tangible plan and process of career progression.

SuccessionNow Provides:

  • Ability to evaluate predictive factors for success for potential candidates.
  • Ability to evaluate current and future readiness of candidates.
  • Ability to organize a pool of candidates for succession according to their readiness timeline
  • Ability to create development plans to prepare candidates for future role requirements

Other useful solutions:

Performance Pro, for competency-mapping automated performance processes that can be enhanced with learning courses, a library of skills that are pre-mapped to learning courses, and automatic course assignments based on performance measures – all part of one seamless performance and learning experience.

The Learning Center, for leadership training and development with a seamless performance and learning experience, facilitating the upskilling and development of your employees.

Future Leadership Bench

Evaluate the competency and readiness of potential candidates for positions all throughout the organization. Evaluate areas of concern and predictive factors to determine who should be added to a pool of successors and how long it may be before they are ready to fill the position

SuccessionNow Provides:

  • Ability to evaluate predictive factors for success for potential candidates.
  • Ability to evaluate current and future readiness of candidates.
  • Ability to organize a pool of candidates for succession according to their readiness timeline
  • Ability to create development plans to prepare candidates for future role requirements
  • Ability to evaluate a scorecard of potential candidates and their performance.
  • Automation of plan approvals
  • Ability to download official succession plans report for key positions
  • Ability to review a dashboard of planned successors.

Other useful solutions:

Performance Pro, for competency-mapping automated performance processes that can be enhanced with learning courses, a library of skills that are pre-mapped to learning courses, and automatic course assignments based on performance measures – all part of one seamless performance and learning experience.

The Learning Center, for leadership training and development with a seamless performance and learning experience, facilitating the upskilling and development of your employees.

Performance Pro Integrated Microsoft Teams App for Engagement, providing real-time analytics on engagement, improving the manager-employee feedback and communication, and enhancing the check-in process with clear visibility into the specific needs of each employee.

Retention Strategies

One of the top reasons employees leave organizations is lack of professional development. A strong culture of development and career planning is a great way to retain top talent and fill key positions from within.

SuccessionNow Provides:

  • Ability to create development plans to prepare candidates for future role requirements
  • Ability to evaluate a scorecard of potential candidates and their performance.
  • Ability to lay out a tangible process for career development and progression.

Other useful integrated solutions:

Performance Pro, for competency-mapping automated performance processes that can be enhanced with learning courses, a library of skills that are pre-mapped to learning courses, and automatic course assignments based on performance measures – all part of one seamless performance and learning experience.

The Learning Center, for leadership training and development with a seamless performance and learning experience, facilitating the upskilling and development of your employees.

Performance Pro Integrated Microsoft Teams App for Engagement, providing real-time analytics on engagement, improving the manager-employee feedback and communication, and enhancing the check-in process with clear visibility into the specific needs of each employee.

Employee Experience

SuccessionNow makes succession planning an effective and quantifiable part of employee development for all positions throughout the organization, from C-suite to frontline. Engage employees with a pathway toward their future when they are added to a pool of potential successors for the next stage of their career.

SuccessionNow Provides:

  • Ability to create development plans to prepare candidates for future role requirements.
  • Ability to evaluate a scorecard of potential candidates and their performance.
  • Ability to review a dashboard of planned successors.
  • Ability to lay out a tangible process for career development and progression.
  • Ability to organize a pool of candidates for succession in order of readiness to fill the roll.

Other useful integrated solutions:

Performance Pro, for competency-mapping automated performance processes that can be enhanced with learning courses, a library of skills that are pre-mapped to learning courses, and automatic course assignments based on performance measures – all part of one seamless performance and learning experience.

The Learning Center, for leadership training and development with a seamless performance and learning experience, facilitating the upskilling and development of your employees.

Performance Pro Integrated Microsoft Teams App for Engagement, providing real-time analytics on engagement, improving the manager-employee feedback and communication, and enhancing the check-in process with clear visibility into the specific needs of each employee.

Performance Pro Integrated Microsoft Teams App for Recognition, for providing recognition, kudos, badging and redeemable rewards points, either in general or specific to the criteria on which employees are evaluated.